Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Nameless tears

There are nights I cry myself to sleep. Why does a happy woman like me have to do that, and for seemingly no real reason? Perhaps I am too tired, physically, and sometimes mentally. Even then the crying seems a little extreme. I think I have a great life. A supportive family, a great job, lovely colleagues, great friendsbut still there are times when the emptiness just engulfs me. The tears brim over, and all I can do is curl up on my bed and cry, till sleep takes over. I have asked myself many times why I am so demanding of life. Why would anyone want so much happiness? I understand that happiness and disappointments come hand in hand, so one should be used to the ups and downs, the fits and starts. But obviously that realization alone doesn’t make you accepting of it. And so the cyclic tears make their unexpected appearance every once in a while. The reasons are plentyfrom something as simple as too much to do, to something more complicated like no “me time”. I have cried for something as silly as having to watch a movie that I just don’t want to, but because someone in the family wants to, and I am obliged to tag along. Yes, when life is choc block with things to do, even the silliest things can tick you off. I have even shed copious tears because the daughter talks incessantly and all I can hear in my head is screeching and pounding of ceaseless questions and demands! I have cried craving for silence! In all honesty, I have a good life. I probably couldn’t have asked for a better one. Things seem to work out just fine for me most of the times. So there’s nothing to really complain about. But then again, who really knows a woman’s heart. Not even the woman herself. So let the tears flow, because in the morning, the sun rises, and so does she, with new spirits, new hopes and a new sense of happiness. To me this is my way of appreciating my life, of finding me after crying nameless tears.  

Finding me...

In the rising sun
And interrupted dreams
On cold morning floors
And running tap water
In quiet tea cups
And agonizing yoga poses

In hurried breakfasts
And on narrow winding roads
In incomplete projects
And stubborn writer’s block
In heavy lunch packs
And bad tasting coffee
In tired drives back home
And at long traffic signals
In slow evening dog walks
And during endless dinner menu discussions
In the incessant Whatsapp pings
And on hot chappathi tawas
Between forced playtime sessions
And on the ironing table
In peaceful green tea cups
And incessant innocent questions
On the lonely warm bed
And in the chilly breeze from the AC
Squeezing in a bit of me into every chore
Searching for my soul in life’s little challenges
Finding me day after day
Even when I feel inundated
Realizing that it gets harder everyday
Yet not wanting to change a thing