Monday, April 2, 2012

Hey, You! Woman driver!!!

Yeah…I’ve committed that unforgivable sin. I am a woman. And OH MY GOD… I drive!!! :-O

If you are a man reading this, you must be shaking your head in exasperation, recalling the many times a clueless woman driver broke right into your racing track on MG Road. Damn! I apologise on behalf of my sisterhood; because I know God made roads so you could honk till our eardrums burst, verbally abuse and make rude gestures at us and rash drive through the roads like it was your ancestral possession.

Who believes women can drive? The men don’t! No, I’m not generalizing. But does a man ever let go the opportunity to joke about women’s driving skills? Sadly, I feel a number of women don’t want to drive because they worry too much about such criticism from the male quarters. C’mon girls, no one ever said driving was a man’s job! And what really defines good driving, anyway?

I don’t think I’m perfect behind the wheels. I suffer from road rage. I make hasty decisions. I mutter swear words under my breath. But I know I’m pretty good too. What I don’t do is overtake like my life depends on it, make gestures at people or abuse them, and speed irrationally. This may not necessarily make me a good driver. But it sure makes me a safe driver. And I would take safety and cautiousness over quality any day.

We may be slow, we may drive in the middle of the road at 20 km/hr and we may suck at parking, but we surely meet with fewer accidents, hurt fewer people on road and make sure we stay alive for longer when behind the wheels (that’s what statistics say, at least). If that doesn’t classify as good driving, what does!

PS: Dear men, please refrain from eye rolling and “what the heck do you think you are doing?” hand gestures as well. Even they classify as rude. And I promise I’ll forgive you for driving with a mobile phone jammed into your ears and for forgetting to turn that indicator on (that’s not for decoration, by the way).

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